Welcome to Chiru’s documentation!

Chiru is a Python 3.12+ asynchronous wrapper for the Discord HTTP API and gateway, using the AnyIO library. It is designed for writing traditional (think 2017 style) Discord bots.


Chiru is available on PyPI under the chiru package name:

$ poetry add chiru@latest
$ pdm add chiru

Alternatively, you can install the latest development version:

$ poetry add git+https://github.com/Fuyukai/chiru.git
$ pdm add "chiru @ git+https://github.com/Fuyukai/chiru.git@mizuki"

Getting Started


Low-level API

Chiru provides low-level access to the Discord API, via raw access to the HTTP API as well as raw access to the gateway system. These APIs are generally not needed for most bots; the High-level API API exposes some of the lower-level mechanisms as an escape hatch instead.

High-level API

The high-level API is the preferred API for writing bots that act like traditional bots; i.e, they respond interactively to user-initiated actions.

Indices and tables